
The Maryland Conservative Action Network (MD CAN) was created to bring together conservative activists from around Maryland into a unified force to effect real change to one-party rule in the State of Maryland.  Disappointed by recent election results, we vowed that Maryland would not be in a blue-state wilderness for forty years!

In 2010, many of us participated in a political campaign for the first time, and realized that we weren’t effectively linked with like-minded Marylanders. CAN will change that, and we’ll be able to move forward into 2011 connected, energized and focused  on 2012, 2014 and beyond!

Following Ronald Reagan’s model for building coalitions, CAN seeks to build a coalition of activists uniting around conservative principles. We welcome individuals and groups, such as tea partiers, Second Amendment advocacy groups, taxpayer alliances, immigration control organizations, national security watch dogs, fiscal conservatives, and “values voters.”

We encourage everyone to continue wearing their own “hats”.   CAN is not meant to supplant any organization. Rather, we seek to build a network of like-minded Marylanders to share ideas and talents, forge alliances, sound the call for action, and give rise to conservative voices so that political competition can thrive in our great State!

This website is only for the purpose of organizing our kick-off conference on January 8, 2011 in Annapolis.  (Preliminary plans for that first meeting may be found here).   On January 8th, Maryland conservative activists will determine the future of MD CAN!

6 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: MD CAN conference scheduled for January 8th, 2011 | Maryland Conservative Action Network

  2. Pingback: Maryland Conservative Action Network announces January conference « Potomac Tea Party Report

  3. Vann Fleming

    This is Terrific…….my old brain has been trying to figure out how to do what you are doing for 3-4 months…….with no luck

  4. Pingback: BlueRidgeForum » Dawn Patrol: ‘Maryland Vote Watch’ Getting Underway

  5. Pingback: ‘Maryland Vote Watch’ Getting Underway

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